Yahweh’s Moedim
Natsar Israel’s first album “Yahweh’s Moedim” is dedicated to proclaiming Yahweh’s appointed times. From the start of the Biblical year with Passover to the last Great Feast, Sukkot, every song is inspired to reveal the gospel message that is hidden. Every Feast Day is a rehearsal and a memorial, and the story of God’s people is engraved in the cycle of the Moedim, for Yahweh has made known the end from the beginning.
The deliverance of Israel memorialized at Passover was a rehearsal for the ultimate deliverance of all those who would follow Yeshua, the Passover Lamb. In the same way, every Moed teaches us something new about our Messiah. Yahweh’s Moedim are just that, they are His and His only. Everyone who follows Him will keep His appointed times, and will find Yeshua HaMashiach everywhere they look. Join us as we explore the gospel through the lens of His appointed times and as we come to know our Bridegroom in a deeper way.
Yahweh’s Moedim
Natsar Israel’s first album “Yahweh’s Moedim” is dedicated to proclaiming Yahweh’s appointed times. From the start of the Biblical year with Passover to the last Great Feast, Sukkot, every song is inspired to reveal the gospel message that is hidden. Every Feast Day is a rehearsal and a memorial, and the story of God’s people is engraved in the cycle of the Moedim, for Yahweh has made known the end from the beginning.
The deliverance of Israel memorialized at Passover was a rehearsal for the ultimate deliverance of all those who would follow Yeshua, the Passover Lamb. In the same way, every Moed teaches us something new about our Messiah. Yahweh’s Moedim are just that, they are His and His only. Everyone who follows Him will keep His appointed times, and will find Yeshua HaMashiach everywhere they look. Join us as we explore the gospel through the lens of His appointed times and as we come to know our Bridegroom in a deeper way.
Yahweh’s Moedim
Natsar Israel’s first album “Yahweh’s Moedim” is dedicated to proclaiming Yahweh’s appointed times. From the start of the Biblical year with Passover to the last Great Feast, Sukkot, every song is inspired to reveal the gospel message that is hidden. Every Feast Day is a rehearsal and a memorial, and the story of God’s people is engraved in the cycle of the Moedim, for Yahweh has made known the end from the beginning. The deliverance of Israel memorialized at Passover was a rehearsal for the ultimate deliverance of all those who would follow Yeshua, the Passover Lamb. In the same way, every Moed teaches us something new about our Messiah. Yahweh’s Moedim are just that, they are His and His only. Everyone who follows Him will keep His appointed times, and will find Yeshua HaMashiach everywhere they look. Join us as we explore the gospel through the lens of His appointed times and as we come to know our Bridegroom in a deeper way.