


A song written to a waltz tempo reminding the Bride of Messiah of the marriage vows made to her Bridegroom at Mount Sinai and the renewal of them through Yeshua.

At Mount Sinai

Creating forGod’sKingdom
A song written to a waltz tempo reminding the Bride of Messiah of the marriage vows made to her Bridegroom at Mount Sinai and the renewal of them through Yeshua.

The covenant at Sinai, wherein Yahweh transcribed the Torah for us to remember it and live by it, is a marriage covenant! Yahweh gathered His Bride, and we wrote a Ketubah. Despite our faithlessness, Yahweh has remained faithful. We broke the covenant, but Yeshua made a way for us to be restored to Yahweh, and for the covenant to be renewed once more, that we may be brought near.

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