


A dancey and rhythmic song to emphasize the unchangeable nature of Yahweh’s commandments in the words of Yeshua.

Not One Yod

Creating forGod’sKingdom
A dancey and rhythmic song to emphasize the unchangeable nature of Yahweh’s commandments in the words of Yeshua.

In His Sermon on the Mount, Yeshua states that not one jot or tittle will pass away from the law till heaven and earth pass away. This statement refers to the littlest Hebrew letter, the Yod, which pictographically is the Right Hand. Yeshua, being the Right Hand Power of Yahweh, proclaims that the whole Torah and Prophets speak of Him, and that He cannot be removed from them, and they cannot pass away until all concerning Him is fulfilled, which will be when heaven and earth pass away. As far as we’re concerned, heaven and earth still exist, so the whole Word of Yahweh, Torah and Prophets alike, is still valid and applicable to us today. Yeshua taught us the right interpretation of them and helps us keep His Torah. Those who keep it and teach others so, they shall be great!

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