Friend Branch


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Become a Friend Branch to access exclusive content and much much more! See snippets of what you will get access to. Don’t miss it!

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Natsar Israel wants to give you access to videos of exclusive Live Performances, audio and photos that are only available for our Friend Branches. As time passes, more of these will be added for you!

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Natsar Israel posts the reading of the Torah weekly. Read along with the Parasha and / or listen to the Natsar Israel Torah Reading when you are cooking, eating, driving, cleaning, exercising or resting.

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Every Wednesday make sure to visit the Natsar Israel website as a Friend Branch for our Wisdom Wednesday mini article for all ages. Let’s grow in wisdom together, shall we?

Natsar Israel presents Friend Branches

Friend Branches are visitors that want to know more about Natsar Israel’s journey. Becoming a Friend Branch is as simple as filling a registration form on our website with a yearly small contribution (manual renewal). There are many benefits to becoming a Friend Branch, in a nutshell:

~ Get access to exclusive content as part of our community

~ Friend Branch discounts

~ Discover Member Branch sponsorship opportunities and earn rewards when supporting our ministry

~ Request Natsar Israel to lead worship (events, Feast Days, Shabbats)

~ Get exclusive Friend Branch Newsletter

~ Friend Branch Contact Form

~ Copyright License and Event License possibility

A: We’re glad you asked! Here are some ways to be involved:
1) Become a Friend Branch to access exclusive content! Friend Branch registration HERE
2) Follow us on socials for fun updates!
3) Let us know how our music impacts you by commenting on our videos!
4) Share your favorite songs and videos with your friends!
5) Subscribe to our Newsletter to stay in the loop!
6) Leave us your testimony HERE
A: Thank you for wanting to partner with us! There are many ways in which to help us with this important mission. Become a Friend Branch to learn of the different campaigns to support Natsar Israel while simultaneously earning rewards. You can also give a freewill offering HERE.
A: Our main socials are YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. You can find us by searching for “Natsar Israel” or using these links:
Facebook /natsarisrael
A: Choose to stream Natsar Israel songs. Our music is available on all streaming platforms.