Sponsorship Freewill Offering



Help fund the New Worship Album!


Find more options to help: Friend Branch.


Shalom Friends,

After the release of our first and second worship albums, NATSAR ISRAEL has been working hard on creating a new worship album. Being number 3, we feel it is very significant and critical, so we have poured out our hearts and present our best work. We have spent several hours in worship and prayer, perfecting 10 new songs to share with Israel and the nations. All the songs are very prophetic in nature, preparing us for the coming of the King of Kings, Our Messiah Yeshua, who is at the center of it all. This album is full of powerful, impressive, revelatory and life-changing songs of worship to our God in a unique style that combines Israeli, classical and modern tones, including both English and Hebrew, for all to unite in praise to the Lamb. But… We need YOUR help!


This is a big project. Many people will be pouring their time and energy into recording and producing this album. We still need to raise $26,500 (level 1) to move forward with the pre-production, production and post-production. We don’t have that kind of money, nor do we know anyone who does. But this we do know. We serve Yahweh, who will make a way where there seems to be no way. He will provide, for from Him proceed all things.

We want to ask for YOUR help!

Will you be a part of the reason this new worship album becomes a reality? If you were blessed by our first two albums, we believe this album will bless you and many more people, bear much fruit and glorify our God! We encourage you to join hands with us to make this come to pass!

Other things you can do to help:

Spread the word to your friends and family and share this page on your socials.

Send this to people you believe have the means to help via emails, Skype or WhatsApp, let the Spirit guide you.

Pray for us, as we need Yahweh’s provision, protection, guidance and presence as we move forward on this project

Connect with us on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook to see updates!

– Choose to stream our music

– Show your appreciation by liking our content and sending us your lovely comments

– Write words of encouragement


We will announce reach goals when we meet the basic goal (level 1).

Natsar Israel Fundraiser Banner Art