


Fruits of Praise - Yahweh's Moedim - Natsar Israel
An upbeat and joyful song surrounding the appointed time of First Fruits and it’s prophetic gospel connection to the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua.
Fruits of Praise - Yahweh's Moedim - Natsar Israel

Fruits Of Praise

Creating forGod’sKingdom
An upbeat and joyful song surrounding the appointed time of First Fruits and it’s prophetic gospel connection to the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua.

The Feast of First Fruits, which is the center of the song “Fruits of Praise”, revolves around a special wave offering of the first fruits of the land, the best of the best, which is to be waved before Yahweh. Yeshua became the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep and rose on this Feast day! We also offer the fruit of our lips as praise to Yahweh for all his provision through His Son. HalleluYah!

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