


A thrilling song on the fear of Yahweh, proclaiming His mighty deeds and wonders as seen in a thunder storm.

Thunder And Lightning

Creating forGod’sKingdom
A thrilling song on the fear of Yahweh, proclaiming His mighty deeds and wonders as seen in a thunder storm.

Have you ever stood outside in the middle of a thunderstorm, and simply marveled at the mighty hand of God? Elihu, a mysterious character in the book Job, uses a thunderstorm to describe the majesty of Yahweh’s ways. Yahweh clothes His hands with lightning, and commands it to strike. He sends rain for correction, for the land, or for mercy. Truly His ways are higher than ours, and Yahweh is awesome and mighty! So next time in the storm, be still and consider the wondrous works of our God.

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