


A majestic song of praise to exalt the name of the most high God, Yahweh.

Yahweh (VIP)

Creating forGod’sKingdom
A majestic song of praise to exalt the name of the most high God, Yahweh.

When Moses asks God what Name He should speak when speaking to the Israelites, God states “Ehyeh Asher Eyheh,” I will be whom I will be, commonly translated “I am that I am.” He tells Moses to use the Tetragrammaton when speaking to His people — Yod Hey Vav Hey — Yahweh. This name is attributed to Messiah when it is spoken of Him, “Who was, who is, and who is to come.” Yahweh is the everlasting God, and He was, is, and will be forevermore!

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